Sunday, August 18, 2013

August stuff and progress on games

So I finally beat Digital Devil Saga 2 after being occupied with Shin Megami Tensei IV which I beat before going back to DDS2 (got the neutral ending!). I wanted to beat the last bonus boss that I could before moving on to other games which in this case was Seth.

The biggest dangers were Pain since that has a pretty high critical chance and when he takes someone out of the party. He seems to have pretty good agility since I could barely hit him with no agility buffs/debuffs. Like several bosses he likes to remove them if you go to the max buff/debuff limit.

I proceeded to pretty much wreck the final boss. He hit the party for a rather underwhelming amount of damage so it wasn't too bad. The final boss in the first DDS game was more of a threat. But the second game ended on a happy note so it's all well and good.

So now what MegaTen game I have next to do is Raidou Kuzunoha vs King Abaddon. The sequel to the first Raidou game; vs The Soulless Army.
I recently finished the first chapter (it took me awhile to get through that. Pretty lengthy for a first chapter I thought.) and just started the second chapter. The combat is an improvement for sure but I'm not really sure I care for MAG being the resource all the special moves as opposed to all the demons just having MP. Still pretty fun regardless.

I got back into the first Etrian Odyssey and I previously decided to ditch my Protector for a Dark Hunter to mix things up from a usual party set-up. Took awhile to get the dark hunter to get up to speed. I used the protector to help speed things along and the protector wound up gaining some levels out of the deal.

I've made some progress on Tales of the Abyss. Probably somewhat close to that half way mark? Resident Evil Revelations has also seen some progress. I think I'm near the end of it and the last couple of chapters sort of zoomed right by. I've haven't been plating New Leaf much though. I've kinda lost interest with it but I still play it for an hour or two every other day or so.
